Buddhism Website, Response to Lore

September 16, 2008 at 12:18 am (Religion and Spirituality) (, , )

I would be happy to refer you to a great website to get you more educated on Buddhism, but I think that you should also leave your doors open to explore many different religions or belief systems. I say this because Buddhism is a kind of spiritual journey and awakening that everyone must face somewhat alone. Everybody has to find it for themselves and I feel that if you are looking for something that you and your siblings can find comforting while growing spiritually together it may not be the right path. However freeing your body and mind can set you at peace and bring even more love and positive energy in your life. Here is the link so you can explore for yourself. http://beliefnet.com. It has information on a wide spectrum of religions and you can also look into meditation on their site I think that would really help you. Good luck!



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